Thursday, January 06, 2011


So, as I've said before, Landon is not much of a talker, but he is starting to get the hang of it.  Today he put two words together, which is a pretty big step.  He wanted up on the chair in our living room.  I was in the kitchen and he came and pulled my hand until I followed him.  He pointed to the chair and said "UP ME, UP ME!" over and over.  When I told him he could do it, he grabbed his little chair and put it next to the big one and climbed right up.   He was quite proud of himself, and I was proud too.
Right now, he is crying in his crib because his new favorite person, his dad, wasn't here to put him to bed.  Whenever Billy is home for a few days (like Christmas break) he gets very attached.  He's in for a shocker since tax season is about to start.  Well, I'm going to go see if a hug from mom will suffice.  I'm doubting it.