Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Posted by Billy and Megan at 11:36 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Posted by Billy and Megan at 3:23 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Great Grandkids
Here is Billy's grandma with all of her "Smith" great-grandkids. It was a bit of a feat getting them to all stay half-way still long enough to get a picture.
Grammie loves her kiddos and is always willing to babysit them and play with them. She spoils them rotten!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Momma Mia
Posted by Billy and Megan at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Landon!
One year ago today, our sweet little boy came into our family. His big brother and big sister could hardly wait to meet him. He is such a good, sweet boy- so quick to smile! It is hard to put into words how much I love this little guy. He loves to cuddle, loves to eat, loves to watch, loves to play, loves to stick his fingers in my mouth, loves to stand up and hang onto furniture, loves to crawl on his tummy, love to follow his big sister and brother around, loves to put things in his mouth, loves to go
0utside, loves his toys, loves to laugh, loves his Daddy and Mommy. Landon, we love YOU!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 11:41 AM 1 comments

Yesterday Brooklyn, Landon and I were out shopping. When we got back to our car, I saw one of those cool little smart cars had parked next to us.
Me: Brooklyn, do you see that itty bitty car.
B: Yeah, Mom, I already saw it.
(as we are driving away)
B:Mom, I bet it has an itty bitty Mommy for it, and an itty bitty Daddy and an itty bitty kid!
This morning:
Me: Brooklyn who do you want to marry? (I ask her this because she has been talking about her friend Jackson nonstop)
Brooklyn: Brayden, because I love him.
(oh how sweet, if only she acted like she loved him too)
Last night:
Me: Brooklyn, will you put these markers away?
B: I can't mom, my arms are to sleepy.
Posted by Billy and Megan at 11:17 AM 2 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
One of the things I love about Idaho is that we experience all four seasons. This fall has been especially beautiful. We have had some really freezing days, but also some mild ones. A few Sundays ago we decided to take a drive up to the mountains. We didn't have a plan, or even know where we were going, but we ended up on a little road above Garden Valley. It was beautiful! After we parked the car, the kids and Billy hiked up this huge rock. Landon and I stayed down below where it was safe. Then Brooklyn, Landon and I headed down the road, while Billy and Brayden climbed up the big rock. The picture above is from their viewpoint. Those little dots are us! The sun was actually setting, so by the time we got back to the car it was getting dusk. We came home with a bag of pinecones and "beautiful, special rocks." We might have fit a few more Sunday drives into our weekends from now on....
Posted by Billy and Megan at 11:30 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Better late than never!
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Usually we get together with our friends and all carve pumpkins together, but this year Brayden got a fever so we had to cancel. By Friday night he still was a little hot, so we stayed home from the church party and carved pumpkins instead. My little pumpkin...I tried to get him to fit inside, but his little diaper bum just wouldn't fit!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:34 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band."
- George Cooper, October's Party
Posted by Billy and Megan at 5:52 PM 5 comments
Women's Fitness Celebration 2009
Yes, I'm playing catch up.
What would September be without the Women's Fitness Celebration? It was so much fun as always. My mom even came up to walk it with me. I love having her around. It was fun seeing a lot of the other gals on our "team." Tess, my cute prego sister in law even walked it 8+ months along! With the move and unpacking and everything I decided not to run it. Last year, I was preggers so I walked too. Next year, no excuses-I'll be running it again. Who's with me?
Posted by Billy and Megan at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Landon 10 months old!!!
Landon has to be one of the sweetest little things on this earth. He is a bundle of silliness, contentment, and joy. At ten months old, he is army crawling all over the place and finding stray cheerios under the table.
He loves to eat- pretty much anything he can fit in his mouth. The other day he gnawed on the end of a raw zucchini. He loves to stand up holding onto furniture or someone. He always gets a big grin, like he thinks he is pretty hot stuff. He thinks his big brother and sister are hilarious, and always laughs at them the most.
He also got his top 3 teeth in at the same time and developed a silly look- a great big scowl. Now the scowl is usually followed by a big smile, unless he is tired, and then it is a cry.
Posted by Billy and Megan at 3:18 PM 4 comments
Brooklyn's Preschool
Posted by Billy and Megan at 2:51 PM 4 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
His First Day First Grade!
Brayden started school on Wednesday- yeah I know it is super early, but his school is on a year round track. He was so excited, especially since two of his best friends are in his class. His teacher is awesome and when I asked him how his first day was, he said "perfecto!!!" I can't believe how big my baby is! I'm excited for all this next school year will bring!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:29 PM 6 comments
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Half Baby, Half Pit Bull
Landon has taken to growling with every meal! 8 months old. Oh, and if you listen, you might think he got it from me- I've got a pretty wicked growl myself :)
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:18 PM 2 comments
Sleep Over!
After we had moved all the way out of our house, we went back for one last night in our home. It was bitter sweet, with a lot of mixed emotions. We are excited for what is ahead of us, but really sad to leave our first home. It was the place that we brought all our babies home to, our first yard, and the first place we could really say was "ours." We packed up some blankets, snacks, and the computer to watch a movie on. We put Landon to bed and popped some popcorn. It was fun to have one last night at the house.
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
New House
A little update- So, we had the inspection done on our new house and things looked great. We will close sometime the end of August! Wahoo! We are excited to have more room to play, and even happier it is so close to all of our great friends and that we will be able to stay in the same ward and school. It is in a nice cul de sac. Brayden can't wait to ride his bike around it! The backyard is nice and big and we'll even be sharing part of the fence with some great friends of ours.
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:14 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Landon Landon I haven't forgotten
I know it may seem so my dear little one, but I haven't forgotten you. So you don't feel neglected darling, here are some pictures of you...
Posted by Billy and Megan at 5:03 PM 6 comments