Here are my latest pages from October 2007
Monday, March 31, 2008
October is Finished! Wahoo!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 7:18 PM 2 comments
Daddy's Girls
Posted by Billy and Megan at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Spring Break
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:36 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Happy Late Easter!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 10:56 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
So Proud!!!
We are so proud of Brayden. Today he told me that he wanted to take off his training wheels. When Daddy got home, they took them off and headed to the basketball court. He learned so fast. He never even crashed unless he rode off into the grass, which seemed to be a favorite thing to do! This movie is of the 2nd time Billy let go- and off he went! Congratulations Brayden!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 10:15 PM 4 comments
Scrambled, I mean Egg Scramble
We went to the Ann Morrison Park Easter Egg Scramble this morning. We met up with our friends down there, and it was so much fun. I read they had 50,000 eggs/candy/toys there, and I sooo believe it.
Brooklyn and Brayden did great getting eggs as their aunt Angie has been coaching them all month with raisins in eggs!
Brayden surrounded by girls!
Afterwards we went to the playground. These were my 2 favorite pics.
We finished off a great morning by getting lunch and taking it to Daddy's office! What cute little tax "orphans!"
Posted by Billy and Megan at 2:56 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
One of my friends Angela wrote an amazing script and even more amazing songs about the sisterhood of our church through the Relief Society Organization. I knew she played the violin and sang, but really, she has Talent with a capital T! Luckily for me, I was asked to participate as one of the speaking roles. I got to play a woman that cannot have children and is considering adoption. Ironic, because I was once at that point after trying to get pregnant for two years. There was something in the play that applied to every woman that was there, things that we all go through or something similar. She showed how the Relief Society is there to offer support to us no matter what the problem or circumstance. The songs that Angela wrote were so beautiful and the women that performed them did a fabulous job. Some of them were sooooo funny and some so sweet and heartwrenching. It was fun to be up on a stage-even a little one. It kind of took me back to my old high school days as a "Troyplayer." One of the highlights of my H.S. life was when I played the role of Anne Frank my junior year. That was an amazing experience. Anyway, I guess the things you learn in high school really can help you later on in life :) Here are a few pics from the night...
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:39 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Easter Treat
I saw this cute idea for valentine's day, and thought it would make the cutest Easter treat. I found the little cans at Sam's club (little fruit cups), and had the kids eat a bunch. The trick is to use one of those safety can openers that open up the entire top- I have the Pampered Chef version. Then you just clean them out, make a cute label, fill 'em up and super glue the lids back on. When you give them away, they just pull up the little flip top to open them.
I'm going to give them to the Young Women that I teach at church, my visiting teaching ladies, and my two nieces that live here in Boise. So fun!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 8:51 PM 3 comments
Billy's Late Night Adventures...
Posted by Billy and Megan at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Fancy Hair
Posted by Billy and Megan at 9:19 PM 3 comments
Smith Family St. Pattie's Day
We usually don't do anything special for St. Patrick's Day, but I saw a cute idea online and decided to do it-just changed a bit. That morning, after I didn't get up early and make green pancakes like I was going to, Brayden and I made a Leprechaun Treasure Box. Brayden put it where the sun would shine on it (Leprechauns love the sun since it makes rainbows) so a Leprechaun would come and hide it and maybe leave us a treasure. Well,
we waited all morning and into the afternoon (it was a very cloudy day) when finally... The treasure was missing!! We followed the Leprechaun trail up the stairs and into .... the BATHTUB! Inside was 99 pennies and some monster truck
stickers- better than gold to my little guy! There was even green pee in the toilet! Brayden kept talking about it and even had to call his dad- and that made a very happy St. Pattie's day to me!
We finished the day with dinner at Costa Vida for Billy's mom's birthday and then came to our house for ice cream and presents. She got lots of help from the kids opening gifts. Happy Birthday Mom! I swear you are getting younger!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Brooklyn Bows
I've tried uploading a video of Brooklyn about a million times, but I can't get it to work. ugh! Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. But, I couldn't wait to show off her new bows I made for her. She is such a doll and very patient with her Mommy. Can you tell she's eating raisins? That girl is always in the pantry.
The kids and I had a great movie/pizza night tonight. We watched the Bee Movie and the kids loved it. We love Redbox and Little Ceasers- cheapest family night ever! Poor Billy missed out on it- it is after 11 pm and he's still not home. I think he has something like 4 weeks left of tax time!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 4:11 PM 5 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Easter Decorations
Posted by Billy and Megan at 2:13 PM 0 comments
New Hair Cut
I decided to post a pic of my sexy new haircut...although this is it after its been styled and then rained on.... so not quite as sexy as it could be! The back is super cute. My little sis Desi cut it for me and I love it. It is so fast to do! Thanks Desi. I love ya!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 1:20 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Weekend in Lewisville
I love going home to visit my parents in the tiny town of Lewisville, Idaho. Actually, they don't even live "in" town. So, it is a change of pace for my kids to live the country life with Grandma and Grandpa Bramwell. Billy couldn't come as he had to work- yes tax season is busy, but we are more than half way through it. Here are a few highlights....
Posted by Billy and Megan at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Congratulations Riley!
Posted by Billy and Megan at 3:23 PM 2 comments